New Year, Old You?

Its that time of year again, and if you are anything like the rest of us, you have stormed headlong into making decisions, making stern rules and regulations on your own behalf as to how this year is going to be.



….I’m going to spend more time with the kids, I’m Detoxing, I’m going to lose weight, I’m going to entertain more, I’m going to entertain less, I’m giving up alcohol every other month……


And then come April the 1st we are all looking like proper fools, and having ‘failed’ in all our promises to ourselves we are making yet more by denying even a sniff of an Easter Egg.


So, what can be different this year, how can we do things that get us to where we want to be easily and in a stress free way?


How about a 2013 Detox in a different way? How about detoxing the way you think about the start of a new year?, removing all the wasted promises and doing things differently – after all, it clearly hasn’t worked if we are back again, like groundhog day, doing the same things and as a result, ‘not’ achieving anything.


Try ‘spinning’ your detox….making it a positive and not a list of ‘not allowed’, ‘can’t have’s’ and ‘give up’s’.  Detox is Spring Cleaning for our bodies, having a good clear out so that you can start fresh, feeling cleansed and energised. We are very good at getting into ‘auto pilot’ with our living and eating habits and if we don’t force change then we will never know if we could feel better, this is what detox is truly about – getting back to basics so that you can find out what really works for you and also how it feels to feel really good!  Fuelling your body to fuel your life.  Eating differently to change your life.


I would also recommend a long term programme, 30 days is a good target, it takes 21 days to make or break a habit, so 30 keeps us out of the danger zone, less likely to ‘revert back’ – and it makes it so much easier to keep up with the new regime as the new regime has become your ‘good’ habit.


Remove caffeine, alcohol, dairy, wheat, sugar and meat and give life to your body with delicious fish, seafood, vegetables, fruits, beans, pulses, salads, nuts water, herbal teas and brown rice and see how you glow, both on the inside and out……sounds hard?


Try roasting cherry tomatoes, red peppers and courgettes with whole garlic cloves, sprinkled with oregano and drizzled with olive oil.  Add chopped Feta cheese and roast a little more until softened, serve on  a bowl of nutty short grain brown rice – add a salmon steak if preferred.  Doesn’t sound too bad does it?


Book yourself in for a Detox treatment at Wendy O’Hare Skin Care such as their fabulous Emergence Detox Treatment (which is on offer during January and February)! to make the whole process that much more luxurious…smooth, soft, honed and toned skin and a glowing complexion, you can soon get used to it!


If you change the way you think about detox then change will happen, make it a positive process and you will look forward to it.


So, become your own ‘spin doctor’ in 2013 and see how fabulous the results are this time next year!


Jane Scrivner (about Jane)

Thinking about being nicer to myself in 2013