A few myths about Acne!

1. You Will Outgrow Acne

You’ll outgrow acne! This myth came about as a way to get teenagers to stop worrying about any acne they were experiencing. The truth is, only taking care of your skin and in worse cases, visiting a dermatologist, is going to clear your acne.


 2. Makeup is the No.1 Cause of Acne in Women

Makeup is the largest single cause of acne in women. FALSE. The largest single cause of acne in men and women is the same, and that is too much oil production on the skin. Makeup can make acne worse if not cleaned off at the end of the day or if the makeup is not oil-free, but otherwise it’s fine to use!


 3. Scrub Your Blackheads Away

Once you get blackheads, you can just scrub them away. This myth is not only untrue, but also dangerous. Scrubbing at your skin can cause long-term damage and even scarring, so be sure to avoid doing so. You CAN use a gentle exfoliating cleanser twice a day though, or a stronger exfoliating scrub up to 3 times a week.


4. Eating Junk Food = More Blackheads

Blackheads are caused by junk food. Yes, a healthy diet can improve the quality of your skin, but it does not directly cause any type of blackheads or acne in general. If you want to see what a good diet can do, try following a well-balanced diet including lots of water, fruits and vegetables, and lean proteins and watch your skin glow!


5. Blackheads Are Just Dirt in Pores

Blackheads are formed by dirt getting stuck in your pores. False. Blackheads are dark in color due to being trapped in the hair follicles and pores of your skin, not from dirt. Bacteria and oil is in a blackhead, but you cannot simply wash your face harder than normal and think your blackheads will just disappear.


Need help?

If you have any issues relating to Acne or your skin in general then please don’t hesitate to contact us.  We’ve years of experience with all skin types and if we cannot help then we’ll know somebody that can!

Thank you for reading!


Wendy x

Acknowledgments: Acne Skin Website