Love it or hate it, everybody knows they benefit from a Detox. It’s rare not to end a detox diet with a sense of exhilaration and achievement.

1) Start the day with a homemade, nutrient-packed juice or lemon in warm water. Drink it on an empty stomach, and then wait half an hour before eating breakfast. (read my previous Blog on the youthing benefits of lemons)
2) Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner every day, don’t miss out on meals.

3) Choose seasonally produced organic fruit and vegetables. If that proves too expensive, invest in a fruit and veg washer, which removes surface chemicals and waxes.
4) Make sure you have some of the must have detoxing veg in your meal or juice every day: asparagus, beetroot, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, chard, chicory, fennel, garlic, kale, leeks, mustard seed, onions, rocket, seaweed, sweet potatoes and watercress. Also raw carrot, spinach, tomatoes: they are high in glutathione, a protein that ‘escorts’ toxins out of the body.

5) Make sure you eat some of the cleansing fruits every day: apples, grapefruit (both high in glutathione), lemon, papaya and pineapple are good digestives, supporting the Detox process.

6) Make sure you get around 45g a day of protein in the form of beans, chickpeas, lentils, tofu, nuts, seeds, eggs and goat/sheep/buffalo’s yoghurt/cheese. Alternate the source daily. (to find out how much protein you need to eat each day, multiply your body weight in kg by 0.8g – for example a 60kg woman will need 60 x 0.8 = 48g of protein a day).

7) Get some omega-3 fatty acids each day: walnuts, pumpkin seeds, flaxseeds/linseeds, kidney beans, tofu and fresh soya/edamame beans are all good sources of omega-3, which have anti-inflammatory properties and help with mood, immunity, bran function and memory, firm skin and healthy nails.
8) Don’t miss meals: you’ll be starving by 3pm and break the Detox by eating whatever is to hand. If you want a snack have some fruit.
9) Have good source of still mineral or filtered water handy and aim to drink 8 glasses a day to flush wastes away.

10) To support the various Detox organs (liver, kidneys, lymph, bowels) consider taking some of the herbal helpers such as: Aloe Vera, milk thistle, flaxseed or ginger juice.
These are only a few pointers to get you thinking, and if you think you’d like to try a detox diet then don’t hesitate to talk to us. We’re all about Skin Care Health and this isn’t just what we put onto our skin. We don’t offer any diets, but we have plenty of recommendations, so please don’t hesitate to ask us.
Thank you for reading.
Wendy x
Source: Elizabeth Peyton-Jones